Honda Aquatrax Fault Code List

Reading Honda Aquatrax Fault Codes

If you own a Honda Aquatrax PWC, chances are that you seen an FI(fault indicator/check engine) light appear on your dashboard. Due to the complexity of modern Jet Skis, that fault code could mean several things. A qarning or error light might not have to tell you when a rod goes blasting through the side of your engine block, but they are certainly handy for troubleshooting the electrical system errors that are common in sea going personal watercraft.

 For instance; Code 25 is infamous in the Honda Aquatrax. The actual code tells you that the knock sensor is faulty, however, that is not always the case and may require further troubleshooting to reveal the root problem. If you want to learn more on troubleshooting Code 25 read our Code25 Article.

 For those who want to learn how to read and understand the fault codes, please

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